Hospital in Waterville
Quick go:
- Waterville Family Health CenterEstablishment, Hospital117 West Main Street, Waterville, NY 13480+1 315-841-4184Closed now:
Categories of businesses and places in Waterville
- All types
- Accounting
- Airport
- Art gallery
- Bakery
- Bar
- Beauty salon
- Bowling alley
- Cafe
- Car dealer
- Car repair
- Car wash
- Cemetery
- Church
- Convenience store
- Dentist
- Doctor
- Electrician
- Electronics store
- Establishment
- Finance
- Fire station
- Florist
- Food
- Gas station
- General contractor
- Hair care
- Hardware store
- Health
- Home goods store
- Hospital
- Insurance agency
- Lawyer
- Library
- Liquor store
- Local government office
- Lodging
- Moving company
- Park
- Pharmacy
- Physiotherapist
- Place of worship
- Police
- Post office
- Real estate agency
- School
- Shopping mall
- Spa
- Storage
- Supermarket
- Travel agency
- Veterinary care